Strona główna / Dla kierowców


zostań kierowcą w
Magistral transport

Jesteśmy jednym z najbardziej atrakcyjnych pracodawców polskiej branży transportowej i logistycznej

Zapraszamy kierowców kategorii CE
dołączyć do naszego zespołu

Zapraszamy do pracy zarówno doświadczonych kierowców kategorii CE, jak i kierowców z minimalnym doświadczeniem w pracy na naczepach.

Potrzebujemy, aby był zorientowany na klienta, ponieważ będziesz twarzą naszej firmy i osobą, którą poznają nasi klienci. Muszą ci zaufać, aby nam zaufać.

Oczekujemy, że będziesz utrzymywać swoją ciężarówkę w czystości, bezpiecznie prowadzić i przestrzegać zasad ruchu drogowego. Musisz przestrzegać czasu jazdy, odpoczynku i nie robić niczego, co mogłoby zaszkodzić naszej reputacji.

Wielu z naszych klientów mają specjalne wymagania, które razem z tobą powinniśmy przestrzegać, takie jak parkowanie tylko na bezpiecznych parkingach, ponieważ ładunki, które dostarczasz, mogą mieć bardzo wysoką wartość.

Oczekujemy, że będziesz profesjonalny, przyjazny i aktywny!

Co oferujemy?

  • Płatny staż
  • Konkurencyjne i stabilne zarobki
  • Ciekawe i fascynujące trasy do krajów europy
  • Oficjalne zatrudnienie z soc. Gwarancjami
  • Standaryzowany tryb pracy i odpoczynku
  • Pracę na w pełni sprawnym technicznie i serwisowanym samochodem
  • Dodatkową opłatę w postaci bonusu za duży miesięczny przebieg.
  • Załatwienie karty pobytu

Flota transportowa firmy

Składa się z ciągników marek mercedes-benz i man z normą emisji euro5 i euro6. Średni wiek ciągników nie przekracza 3 lat. Wszystkie pojazdy są wyposażone w tablety z internetem i dodatkową nawigacją.

Certyfikat Kapitalna Firma

Certyfikat Kapitalna Firma – potwierdza, że znaleźliśmy się w prestiżowym gronie najlepszych polskich pracodawców!
Nagroda przyznawana jest firmom, które są godne zaufania i ponadprzeciętnie dbają o swoich pracowników.

Czekamy na ciebie!

Zadbaj o to, żeby skierować
swoją karierę w dobrym kierunku!

Pytania / FAQ

Czas trwania kadencji nie mniej niż dwa miesiące.

Praca w dwuosobowej załodze tylko podczas stażu. W zasadzie, wszyscy pracują w jednosobowej załodze.

Zatrudniamy kierowców tylko posiadających świadectwo ADR, w przypadku jeśli nie wiesz, jak go uzyskać, nasi pracownicy udzielą Ci wszystkich niezbędnych informacji

Tak, po zakończeniu kadencji można pozostawić rzeczy osobiste w bazie w Polsce i po powrocie z urlopu wziąć je ponownie do kadencji.

Tak, taka możliwość istnieje. Jeśli zdecydujesz się przyjechać własnym samochodem, możesz zostawić go na bazie na parkingu.

W sumie, pod warunkiem posiadania wszystkich niezbędnych dokumentów, proces zatrudnienia do naszej pracy od Twojego zadzwonienia przed przyjazdem zajmie 3-5 tygodni.


  • Игорь24/02/2020 Reply

    Добрый день,интересует работа водителем.Опыт работы по ЕС есть.

    Игорь did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport24/02/2020

      Здравствуйте, свяжитесь пожалуйста с ОТДЕЛОМ КАДРОВ

      +48 728 497 470

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport09/05/2021

      Please contact our HR department!

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
    • KULWAT SINGH15/02/2022


      KULWAT SINGH did not rate this post.
    • Михаил17/03/2023

      Добрый день! Паспорт РФ есть варианты трудоустройства к Вам водителем СЕ

      Михаил did not rate this post.
  • Bobby credo09/08/2020 Reply

    Willing to wosk to my duties android responsibilities.

    Bobby credo did not rate this post.
  • Mesut Karcıer24/09/2020 Reply

    Hello. I am from Turkey and I have CE driver license. Can I work in your company as a truck driver? Thanks.

    Mesut Karcıer did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport25/09/2020

      We can discuss this in private conversation. Please contact our HR department:
      +48 728 497 470

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • abedin verri04/10/2020 Reply

    i am from albania
    pls can we work as truck driver in your company ?

    thank you

    abedin verri did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport05/10/2020

      We can discuss this in private conversation. Please contact our HR department:
      +48 728 497 470

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • John edwards b jacinto17/10/2020 Reply

    I want to be a part of ur company please give me a chance to perform my skilled and knowledge as a lorry truck driver i am filipino.thank ypu and god bless

    John edwards b jacinto did not rate this post.
  • John edwards b jacinto17/10/2020 Reply

    I want to be a part of ur company please give me a chance to perform my skilled and knowledge as a lorry truck driver. i dont have an adr but im willing to work and follow the rules of the company thank you and god bless

    John edwards b jacinto did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport18/10/2020

      Thank You for your request
      Unfortunately, we don’t have vacancy for drivers at the moment

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
    • Алихан26/02/2023

      Здравствуйте. Гражданами Азербайджана можно обратиться?

      Алихан did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport01/03/2023

      Добрый вечер, Алихан

      Да, конечно вы сможете связаться с нашим отделом кадров +48 660 517 489 (viber, whatsApp), – Екатерина
      В случаи если вам удобнее общаться на азербайджанском языке +48 539 699 062 (viber, whatsApp) – Захид

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • Azis saepuloh23/10/2020 Reply

    Saya orang indonesia berminat untuk bekerja apakah bisa di proses?

    Azis saepuloh did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport25/10/2020

      Terima kasih atas permintaan Anda
      Sayangnya, saat ini kami tidak memiliki lowongan untuk pengemudi

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
    • Hassan Dimeji24/07/2021

      My name is hassan from Nigeria. I’m good in truck driving. Please I want to drive truck in your company

      Hassan Dimeji did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport25/07/2021

      Thank You for your request
      But unfortunately, we don’t have Heavy Truck Driver vacancy at the moment.
      You could follow us on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM for new actual truck driver vacancies and newsletters!

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • KHUSAN07/11/2020 Reply

    Good morning. My name is Khusan from Uzbekistan, the city of Tahkent.Please, help me to find a driwer work the category CE. Thank You for your attention. Imo and Whats app: +99899 534 19 79.

    KHUSAN did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport08/11/2020

      Thank you for your request! Please get in touch with our HR department: +48 728 497 470 (Viber, Whatsapp),

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • Md Joher12/11/2020 Reply

    This is to request you that i am MD joher from bangaldesh and living at Qatar and now a days working as a Pax transportation driver in Qatar Airways ( Co Bus driver) also manitoring as training to driver. Hope you will get positivel.

    have a Qatar driver license. Can I work in your company as a truck driver? Thanks.

    Md Joher did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport14/11/2020

      Thank you for your request! much depends on the period of limitation open category C E. and the experience of working on semi-trailers. Anyway please get in touch with our HR department: +48 728 497 470 (Viber, Whatsapp),

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
    • Tiju Thomas28/02/2023

      I need Job

      Tiju Thomas did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport01/03/2023


      Please contact HR Department

      Thank You

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • Elumalai12/11/2020 Reply

    I am track driver sir I am saudi 6 years experience

    Elumalai did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport14/11/2020

      Thank you for your request! Please get in touch with our HR department: +48 728 497 470 (Viber, Whatsapp),

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
    • Kareem Sodiq Olamilekan21/08/2021

      I will be happy to work with you

      Kareem Sodiq Olamilekan did not rate this post.
  • Magistral Transport24/11/2020 Reply

    Unfortunately, at the present time we do not hire drivers without work experience.

    Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • Asela kumara27/11/2020 Reply

    Dear sir/madam
    I have five years experience prime mover driver in middle east i am form sri lanka please give me chance joining your company for truck driver
    Thanks you

    Asela kumara did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport28/11/2020

      Thank you for your request! Please get in touch with our HR department: +48 728 497 470 (Viber, Whatsapp),

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • Shahid Mehmood15/12/2020 Reply

    I need a driver job.

    Shahid Mehmood did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport30/12/2020

      Thank you for your request! Please get in touch with our HR department: +48 728 497 470 (Viber, Whatsapp),

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • Anilkumar Suvagiya24/12/2020 Reply

    Dear Sir/Mam
    I have 2 Year very Good Expirence for Heavy Duty Truck /trailer Driving In India. I am At this time In India. Can I Work as Truck Driver IN Your Company? I want part Of your Company. Thank you

    Anilkumar Suvagiya did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport30/12/2020

      Thank you for your request! Please get in touch with our HR department: +48 728 497 470 (Viber, Whatsapp),

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • XMCPL27/12/2020 Reply

    Zycie jest podrlza, ktora prowadzi do domu.

    XMCPL did not rate this post.
  • Darwaish30/12/2020 Reply

    Hi sir,madam I am truck driver and I have total 20 years experience and 10 years include Saudi Arabia am looking truck driver job in your company if you have any information please respond me.
    thank you

    Darwaish did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport30/12/2020

      Thank you for your request! Please get in touch with our HR department: +48 728 497 470 (Viber, Whatsapp),

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • Top raj sinjali05/01/2021 Reply

    Hello Sir, I am a truck driver from Nepal. I have 12 years of experience. I want to work in your company. Please contact this number +48722774712 thank you

    Top raj sinjali did not rate this post.
  • mandeep Singh16/01/2021 Reply

    sir ji good morning sir ji I m mandeep Singh from Mumbai India I’m having good skill in driving heavy trucks and tankers I want to work with your team so please guide me for the same thanking u.

    mandeep Singh did not rate this post.
  • Magistral Transport22/01/2021 Reply

    Please contact our HR department by
    TELEPHONE: +48 728 497 470 or E-MAIL:

    Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • Rajender11/02/2021 Reply

    I am from India, I don’t have truck driving experience but I am very passionate about truck driving, I know driving very well but not experienced in trucks driving. Can you please guide me how i can join your company?

    Rajender did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport12/02/2021

      Unfortunately, we do not hire without experience of driving a truck with a semi-trailer

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • Rajender12/02/2021 Reply

    Im from India, im very passionate about truck driving, can you please guide me.

    Rajender did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport14/02/2021

      Please contact our HR department by

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • Joseph Ndungu Gitahi05/04/2021 Reply

    My name is Joseph from Nairobi Kenya am a heavy truck driver CE with experience of 6 years and i could like to work in your company, Thank you.

    Joseph Ndungu Gitahi did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport05/04/2021

      Thank you for your request! Please get in touch with our HR department:

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • Olajide Samuel Oyelami25/04/2021 Reply

    My name is Olajide Samuel from Nageria am a heavy truck driver CE with experience of 10 years and i could like to work in your company, Thank you sir.

    Olajide Samuel Oyelami did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport27/04/2021

      Thank You for your request
      Unfortunately, we don’t have vacancy for drivers at the moment
      Please follow us on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM for new actual truck driver vacancies and newsletters!

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • Сергей05/06/2021 Reply

    Можно поподробнее о работе?условия сотрудничества, какая зарплата и т.д

    Сергей did not rate this post.
  • Mohd Roshan13/07/2021 Reply

    Hi ,I am Mohd Roshan trailer driver 8 years experience Saudi Arabia Gstc company Riyadh Saudi Arabia

    Mohd Roshan did not rate this post.
  • Faizan RAZA18/07/2021 Reply

    Sir my name is Faizan RAZA I’m from Pakistan I’m working in Oman as a truck driver I have driving lisenc of Oman very glad to work with you thank you

    Faizan RAZA did not rate this post.
  • Sandeep singh23/07/2021 Reply

    Hello sir I would like to express my sincere
    interest in the Heavy Truck Driver’s position you have available. As a highly
    accomplished and results-oriented professional with extensive
    experience, rendered services for top-rated companies, I possess a
    wide range of knowledge and experience that will allow
    me to contribute toward the success of your establishment.
    I came to know from some sources that you are hiring candidates for
    the position of truck driver. Please consider me as a suitable
    candidate and offer me an opportunity. I have 9 years experience of driving
    Thank you

    Sandeep singh did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport24/07/2021

      Thank You for your request
      Unfortunately, we don’t have Heavy Truck Driver vacancy at the moment.
      You could follow us on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM for new actual truck driver vacancies and newsletters!

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • Wiertarki25/09/2021 Reply

    Thank you, wonderful job! This was the information I had to have.

    Wiertarki did not rate this post.
  • George Maisuradze12/11/2021 Reply

    Hello. I’m driver have a driver license BE CE category, have COD 95, taken Poland 2021 September.

    George Maisuradze did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport14/11/2021

      Hello / Добрый день,
      Please contact our HR department / Пожалуйста свяжитесь с нашим отделом кадров:

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • Юрий20/12/2021 Reply

    Добрый день! Интересует вакансия водитель, можете проконсультировать меня, телефон what’s app +7(928)0075506 напишите пожалуйста.

    Юрий did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport Sp. z o.o.21/12/2021

      Юрий, добрый день.
      С Вами свяжется сотрудник отдела кадров и проконсультирует по все вопросам.

      Magistral Transport Sp. z o.o. did not rate this post.
  • Parminder Singh29/10/2022 Reply

    I am parminder Singh I am Heavy truck driver in Qatar I want to apply Croatia I have 14 years experience I have a Qatar license issue date 03-02 2008 licensenc expiry date 02-02-2027 my mobile number 974-74061244

    Parminder Singh did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport01/11/2022


      Please contact HR Department

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.
  • Юрий01/03/2023 Reply

    Добрый день. Интересует вакансия водителя можете проконсультировать меня телефон+48728867875

    Юрий did not rate this post.
    • Magistral Transport01/03/2023

      Добрый день, Юрий
      В ближайшее время с Вами свяжется сотрудник отдела кадров.

      Magistral Transport did not rate this post.

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